Welcome to NETXDC!
The purpose of the Northeast Texas Dressage Club is to foster an interest among equestrians in the sport and art of Dressage.
We will be offering educational and training opportunities so that members and non-members can progress with the schooling of themselves, as riders, and of their horses.
About the Northeast Texas Dressage Club
The Northeast Texas Dressage Club was formed in November of 2014 with a vision to create a community that would further education and promotion of all types of dressage in the Northeast Texas region. 2015 was the first year to hold events such as schooling shows and educational clinics. This club is open to and encourages all types of dressage, including western dressage and gaited dressage.
We encourage membership for those who currently compete in dressage, and especially for those who do not. It is our hope that interest in dressage will expand beyond traditional, english-based riding, and grow to be seen as a training foundation that will continue to spread into other equestrian activities, such as barrel racing, team roping, drill team, trail riding, play days, etc. Our shows will have appropriate training level classes for riders interested in getting their horses out and exposing them to new venues and the excitement of an event, without the added stress of distant travel and high fees.
For the serious competitor, our schooling shows draw a crowd from not only Northeast Texas, but also Dallas, Tyler and the surrounding areas. This will give you the opportunity to be scored by an "L" graduate, and see how you are really stacking up against the competition. However, you will not have to spend a fortune getting out and practicing. In addition, we are developing a vast array of prizes that will make it worth your while to take the day away from the city, and enjoy some country air.
Membership in the NETXDC has its privileges! We are developing a roster of sponsors that will be offering special discounts at their stores, in addition to the reduced rates that you will enjoy at the shows. Members will also be eligible for fantastic year-end prizes as well as attendance at the fun and exclusive year-end awards banquet.