Welcome to NETXDC!
The purpose of the Northeast Texas Dressage Club is to foster an interest among equestrians in the sport and art of Dressage.
We will be offering educational and training opportunities so that members and non-members can progress with the schooling of themselves, as riders, and of their horses.

Welcome to NETXDC!
The purpose of the Northeast Texas Dressage Club is to foster an interest among equestrians in the sport and art of Dressage.
We will be offering educational and training opportunities so that members and non-members can progress with the schooling of themselves, as riders, and of their horses.
We offer fun, family-friendly dressage shows and clinics for traditional, western, and gaited dressage and in-hand classes.
Click the link below to watch a video tutorial on becoming a member and registering for classes: https://streamyard.com/44qjfd4zex63
2024 Event Schedule
​November 30, 2024 - NETXDC Show
Hopkins County Civic Center, Sulphur Springs, TX
After closely monitoring the EIA (Equine Infectious Anemia) outbreak in Wise, Collin, and Dallas Counties, and consulting with veterinarians, we’ve made the difficult decision to cancel the November 30th show at the Hopkins County Civic Center.
This incurable virus, spread by biting flies, poses significant risks to all horses, even with cooler weather. For the safety of our equine community, cancellation is the only responsible course of action.
Registration fees will be refunded within the week. We appreciate your understanding and support as we prioritize the well-being of all horses.